Dear Valued Patient,
As the Coronavirus pandemic continues to impact people around the globe, our first priority is the safety and well-being of our patients, team members and communities. We are committed to doing our part to prevent it’s spread and to protect our country during this public health crisis. As a result, effective Friday, March 20, all centers are temporarily closed.
We anticipate all centers will reopen Monday, June 8. We will continue to monitor and reevaluate this timeline as circumstances change.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
When will TLC Laser Eye Centers locations reopen?
With conditions evolving every day, our tentative date is June 8, 2020. We continue to monitor the situation. When we are given the all-clear and feel it’s up to our medical-grade safety standards, you’ll be the first to know. We will send you an email notifying you that your local clinic is open.
What happens if I want to schedule a FREE LASIK Consultation?
TLC centers are currently closed but we are accepting Virtual Consults between now and June 8. Click here to schedule a virtual consult now.
How will I keep my TLC Lifetime Commitment Up to Date?
If you are eligible for the TLC Lifetime Commitment Plan, we know that it is very important to you to maintain your eligibility. During this pandemic time period we will be flexible with the requirements for an annual exam as we know that many eye doctor practices are closed during this time.
What do I do if I have an eye emergency related to my laser eye surgery?
Please call 866-258-5844 and one of our customer service representatives will connect you to a doctor at TLC Laser Eye Centers.