National Eye Exam Month

– TLC Laser Eye Centers

It’s important to take the necessary steps to protect your eyes from the sun’s rays throughout the summer, and that continues through the final months of the season. August is National Eye Exam Month, presenting a great opportunity for people of all ages to learn about the importance of eye exams, and meet with their eye doctor for a thorough review of their vision health. An eye exam allows your eye doctor to monitor your vision health, catch potentially serious issues early, and establish a baseline to track your progress in future exams.

The Importance of Eye Exams for Vision Health

Eye exams are important for vision health in people of all ages, and the American Optometric Association offers guidelines for eye exam frequency by age-group:

National Eye Exam Month – A Good Reminder!

National Eye Exam Month is a great reminder of the reasons why exams are so crucial, and the perfect excuse to schedule a visit to the eye doctor for yourself or your child. In addition to identifying correctable vision problems, an eye exam may help your eye doctor spot potentially serious vision health issues before symptoms arise, and identify potential issues that may affect your overall health.

While you’re celebrating the final weeks of summer, why not make some time to celebrate National Eye Exam Month? It’s a small investment of time, and keeping up with regular eye exams can have many benefits for your vision health.

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