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Ready to Ditch the Daily Grind of Glasses and Contacts?

LASIK: Invest in a Brighter Future LASIK isn’t just about convenience; it’s a smart investment in your future. Here’s why: Doctor’s Choice for LASIK TLC Laser Eye Centers and its affiliates are the leading laser eye surgery providers, with over a combined 5.5 million procedures performed and 30 years of LASIK experience. Beyond Convenience: Financial… Continue Reading

Can You Get LASIK Twice?

LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) has emerged as a transformative procedure, offering millions the gift of clear vision. Yet, a pressing question often arises: Can you undergo LASIK more than once? The answer is affirmative. Here, we delve into the intricacies of a second LASIK procedure, why it may be necessary, and what patients should… Continue Reading

Cost Questions to Ask Your LASIK Provider

The cost of LASIK eye surgery depends on many factors and with so many factors to consider, it’s no surprise that questions about LASIK cost are quite common. Ahead, we’ll cover some of the most common questions about the cost of LASIK eye surgery, and suggest key topics to discuss with your LASIK provider. What is… Continue Reading

Are Regular Eye Exams Important After LASIK?

Eye Exams after LASIK Surgery Many LASIK eye surgery candidates question if they need to continue seeing an eye doctor after they have their procedure. After all, you could have 20/20 vision or better after surgery, which means there’s no point in getting regular eye exams, right? Wrong. Even after LASIK surgery it is important… Continue Reading

Laser Eye Surgery & Astigmatism

LASIK Surgery for Astigmatism Most people think of LASIK eye surgery as a way to improve nearsightedness or farsightedness but don’t realize it is also an effective option for treating astigmatism. What Is Astigmatism? The name might sound strange, but astigmatism is a very common vision problem. The cornea is the transparent outer covering of… Continue Reading

LASIK Enhancement: Improving Results and Managing Visual Changes

LASIK eye surgery has a track record of delivering positive outcomes. However, if your vision quality declines over time or the results don’t meet your expectations, a LASIK enhancement procedure might offer a solution. This article explores what LASIK enhancements entail, when they might be necessary, and how they can further improve your vision after the initial surgery.

Top 7 Reasons to Choose TLC for Your LASIK Procedure

If you’ve made the decision to pursue LASIK eye surgery, you are probably excited to take the next step toward your best vision without full time dependence on glasses and contacts. You may have researched the details on LASIK surgery itself, but what about LASIK providers? It is important to research your providers in order… Continue Reading

How To Find a LASIK Surgeon

Searching for the right LASIK eye surgeon can be overwhelming – but you don’t have to do it alone!  Whether you prefer to research online, ask for referrals from friends and family, or both, you have no shortage of options for finding a LASIK surgeon. Speaking with your regular eye doctor is a great first… Continue Reading

8 Criteria for a Good LASIK Candidate

If you wear glasses or contact lenses, you’ve probably experienced some of the frustrations that come from being dependent on eyewear for clearer vision. As you wipe your glasses off for the hundredth time, or feel your contact lens become displaced, you wonder if there is a better way. If you’d like to be free… Continue Reading