lasik surgery

Cost Questions to Ask Your LASIK Provider

The cost of LASIK eye surgery depends on many factors and with so many factors to consider, it’s no surprise that questions about LASIK cost are quite common. Ahead, we’ll cover some of the most common questions about the cost of LASIK eye surgery, and suggest key topics to discuss with your LASIK provider.

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What is included in the LASIK cost?

This is one of the most important questions you can ask about the cost of laser eye surgery. The answer depends in large part on your LASIK provider, and how they structure their services. Some LASIK cost quotes focus specifically on the laser eye surgery procedure, while others include aftercare and other extras. Ask your provider exactly what they include in the cost of LASIK, and don’t be afraid to request clarification if you’re unsure about anything.

Is the laser eye surgery cost different by eye?

The cost of laser eye surgery is typically listed per eye, so a laser eye surgery quote of $1,000 per eye would equal a total cost of $2,000 for both eyes. While most laser eye surgery patients have the procedure on both eyes, there are occasions in which people may opt for LASIK on one eye due to their specific vision correction needs.

Do different LASIK procedures have difference costs?

Different LASIK and laser eye surgery procedures do have different costs, often based on the laser technology used to perform the laser eye surgery procedure that is specific to your vision correction needs. Consider the benefits of each procedure and how they relate to your own needs in order to make an informed decision. The best way to understand if LASIK if right for you is to schedule a free consultation.

What if I want an assurance plan?

A LASIK assurance plan provides re-treatment when certain criteria apply, typically, for a set period after your laser eye surgery is complete. Ask your surgeon if a one-year assurance plan is included with your surgery, and request information on the cost of a lifetime assurance plan. An assurance plan will typically increase the cost of LASIK up front, but many LASIK patients enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing that re-treatment is always covered if they have the need.

Does insurance cover LASIK surgery?

Laser eye surgery is generally considered to be an elective procedure by insurance companies, which means that it won’t normally be covered by a health insurance policy. However, you may be covered by insurance if certain conditions apply, so it is worth inquiring with your insurance company. The good news is that even if you aren’t covered by insurance, there are many affordable ways to cover the laser eye surgery cost.

When it comes to the cost of LASIK surgery, remember that you have many financing options available. Most LASIK providers offer financing that allows you to pay for the procedure over time, and tax-friendly savings options like health savings accounts and flexible spending accounts make it easier to save for medical costs.

In conclusion, the cost of LASIK surgery encompasses various factors, including the LASIK provider’s pricing structure, the specific procedure chosen, and the inclusion of additional services or assurances. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of these elements, individuals can make informed decisions regarding their vision correction journey. Whether exploring financing options or assessing the benefits of different LASIK procedures, proactive engagement and thorough research are key to achieving optimal visual outcomes.

Schedule a free LASIK consultation with TLC Laser Eye Centers to embark on your path to clearer vision today.

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Does LASIK Eye Surgery Hurt?

LASIK eye surgery, a revolutionary procedure correcting refractive errors, has transformed countless lives by eliminating dependence on glasses and contacts. Yet, a lingering concern for many considering LASIK is, does LASIK hurt?

We understand this apprehension. The thought of any intervention on the eye can be daunting. However, we can assure you that LASIK prioritizes patient comfort with advancements minimizing discomfort significantly.

Understanding the LASIK Procedure

LASIK, which stands for Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis uses a highly precise laser to reshape the cornea, the clear front portion of the eye, to correct refractive errors like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.

The LASIK procedure: A Step-by-Step Look

  1. Anesthetic Eye Drops: To minimize discomfort, anesthetic eye drops are administered to numb the eye’s surface.
  2. Corneal Flap Creation: A specialized instrument called a microkeratome or a femtosecond laser is used to create a thin, hinged flap in the cornea.
  3. Corneal Reshaping: With the flap folded back, the excimer laser carefully reshapes the underlying corneal tissue to correct the refractive error.
  4. Flap Replacement: The corneal flap is then repositioned, allowing it to heal naturally and seal without the need for stitches. The entire LASIK procedure typically takes less than 15 minutes per eye. Discomfort is minimal and transient, easily managed with the numbing drops and relaxation techniques.

Comfort Measures in LASIK

While the idea of having a laser reshape your cornea may seem daunting, the truth is that most patients experience little to no pain during the actual LASIK procedure. This is primarily due to the anesthetic eye drops used to numb the eye’s surface. However, it’s important to note that some patients may experience a pressure sensation during certain stages of the procedure, such as when the corneal flap is created or when the excimer laser is applied. This pressure is typically brief and well-tolerated.

LASIK numbing eye drops

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Post-Operative Recovery

After the LASIK procedure, some patients may experience mild to moderate discomfort or irritation in the treated eye(s). Common post-operative symptoms include:

  1. Dryness: The creation of the corneal flap can temporarily disrupt the eye’s tear production, leading to dry eye symptoms like burning, stinging, or foreign body sensation. Artificial tears prescribed by your ophthalmologist can alleviate this until your eyes can fully heal.
  2. Light Sensitivity: The treated eye may be more sensitive to bright lights for a few days after the procedure. Wearing sunglasses can help manage this.
  3. Eye Fatigue: Reading, using digital devices, or other visually demanding tasks may cause temporary eye strain or fatigue.

These symptoms are usually temporary and can be managed with over-the-counter eye drops, lubricating ointments, and proper rest. Most patients experience significant relief within a few days, and complete recovery typically occurs within a week or two.

Minimizing Discomfort

To minimize discomfort during and after LASIK, it’s crucial to follow your surgeon’s instructions carefully. This may include:

  1. Pre-Operative Medications: Taking prescribed anti-inflammatory or anti-anxiety medications as directed to reduce inflammation and promote relaxation.
  2. Proper Eye Care: Adhering to the recommended post-operative eye care regimen, including the use of prescribed eye drops and ointments.
  3. Resting and Avoiding Stress: Allowing your eyes to rest and avoiding strenuous activities or eye strain during the initial recovery period.

Consult with an Experienced LASIK Professional

Considering LASIK? Consultation is Key. Consulting with an experienced and reputable LASIK professional, like the professionals at TLC Laser Eye Centers, is crucial.  Our specialization in LASIK procedures, with over 2.3 million performed, allows us to provide personalized guidance, address your concerns, and ensure realistic expectations for both potential discomfort and the recovery process.

By following your doctor’s instructions and taking proper precautions, the vast majority of patients find that any discomfort associated with LASIK is manageable and well worth the benefits of improved vision and reduced dependence on glasses or contact lenses.

Like any surgery, LASIK has risks and potential complications that are discussed during a surgical consultation prior to the procedure.  If you have any further questions, please consult with your eye doctor.

Individual Experiences May Vary

It’s important to note that every individual’s experience with LASIK may vary. Some patients may experience more discomfort than others, depending on their unique physiology, pain tolerance, and adherence to post-operative instructions.

LASIK vs. Cataract Surgery: Can You Have Both?

Considering Cataract Surgery After LASIK?

Many people who have undergone LASIK eye surgery to correct their vision in their younger years wonder if they can still have cataract surgery later in life. The answer is YES!! What many people do not know is that you can have LASIK even after cataract surgery if you have a residual correction that needs refined.

Understanding the Difference:

  • LASIK Surgery: This procedure reshapes the cornea, the clear dome at the front of the eye, to improve your ability to focus light and achieve clearer vision.
  • Cataract Surgery: This procedure replaces the clouded natural lens of the eye, located behind the iris, with a clear artificial lens, restoring vision clarity.
LASIK and Cataracts

Cataract Surgery for Non-LASIK Patients:

For those who haven’t had LASIK, cataract surgery usually offers a straightforward and predictable outcome. The implanted lens can often replace the need for distance vision glasses, though reading glasses may still be required.

Cataract Surgery After LASIK:

Even with LASIK history, modern technology allows for precise eye measurements to ensure you have a  successful cataract surgery. It can effectively address vision concerns even for individuals who have undergone LASIK previously. While complete LASIK records are ideal for optimal lens selection, alternative approaches are available to achieve a successful outcome.

Seeking Professional Advice:

If you have further questions about LASIK, cataracts, or your individual eligibility for either surgery, consult a qualified eye care professional. They can assess your specific situation and provide personalized guidance.


Bishop, S. (2023, August 18). Cataract Surgery is Possible for Most People Who’ve Had LASIK. Mayo Clinic News Network.

LASIK Recovery Time: What to Expect

LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis) is a popular vision correction procedure that uses lasers to reshape the cornea, improving vision for those with nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism. While LASIK offers the promise of clearer vision without glasses or contact lenses, understanding the LASIK recovery time and potential side effects is crucial for making informed decisions.

Here’s a breakdown of what to expect after LASIK eye surgery:

First few hours after treatment:

  • Temporary eye discomfort: You may experience some initial eye discomfort, such as a tingly sensation or slight dryness.
  • Increased tear production: Your eyes might produce more tears initially to aid healing and lubrication.
  • Temporary light sensitivity: You may be temporarily more sensitive to light, similar to having an adjusted camera lens.

Your doctor will provide eye drops to manage discomfort and a protective shield for overnight wear. Best thing to do?  Try and get some rest right after treatment.

24-48 Hours:

Schedule a quick follow-up visit with your eye doctor to ensure your eyes stay healthy and comfortable. During the appointment, they’ll perform a routine vision assessment and discuss any adjustments to your eye care routine, like potentially prescribing new eye drops or recommending artificial tears for additional comfort. You’ll be able to resume your normal activities right away, but it’s best to avoid strenuous exercise for 1-3 days to allow your eyes to fully recover.

1-3 Weeks:

  • Temporary vision adjustments: You may experience some temporary changes in your vision, such as slight blurring or fluctuations, as your eyes heal.  This has been reported to be similar to an old glasses or contact lens prescription.
  • Light sensitivity: You might notice some initial light sensitivity, which is normal and usually subsides quickly.

Up to 3 to 6 Months:

Expect your vision to steadily improve over the next few months, with many people achieving clear and stable vision around 3 to 6 months. Regular check-ins with your eye doctor will help them track your progress and address any questions or concerns you may have along the way.

Factors Affecting LASIK Recovery Time:

  • Flap dislocation: A rare complication where the corneal flap created during LASIK moves from its position. It requires immediate medical attention and can prolong recovery.
  • Dry eye: The most common side effect, causing irritation and discomfort. Symptoms usually subside within a month, but can persist in some cases.
  • Infections: Extremely rare, but following post-operative care instructions strictly minimizes the risk.

Tips for a Smooth LASIK Recovery:

  • Follow your doctor’s instructions meticulously.
  • Avoid lotions, creams, and makeup around the eye for 2 weeks, or as directed by your doctor.
  • Continue eyelash hygiene as instructed.
  • Refrain from swimming, hot tubs, and strenuous activities for the recommended period.
  • Protect your eyes from getting hit or rubbed, especially in the first few weeks.
  • Use artificial tears to keep your eyes lubricated.
LASIK recovery days

Remember, LASIK recovery is a process, not an event. While most people experience significant vision improvement quickly, complete healing and stabilization can take up to 3 to 6 months. Consulting a qualified LASIK care expert and adhering to post-operative care guidelines are crucial for a successful LASIK experience.

LASIK Eye Surgery Boasts an Impressive 96-98% Patient Satisfaction Rate

LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis) has revolutionized vision correction, providing a minimally invasive alternative to glasses and contact lenses. As of 2018, over 9.5 million Americans have undergone LASIK surgery due to its convenience, good results, and high success rate.

In fact, one study reports that LASIK has an impressive patient success rate between 96-98%! Research indicates LASIK enables:

  • 99% of patients to achieve 20/40 vision or better
  • 90% of patients to achieve ideal 20/20 vision
  • 50% of patients to gain better than 20/20 vision
LASIK success rate

Driving Factors Behind LASIK’s High Success Rates

Several factors account for why LASIK is so successful, including:

  • Advanced laser systems
  • Precision techniques
  • Experienced surgeons.

Additionally, the vast majority of procedures are performed by specially trained ophthalmologists and optometrists with years of surgical experience. Their expertise contributes greatly to LASIK’s impressive outcomes.

Understanding LASIK’s Low Complication Rates

In addition to excellent success rates, LASIK eye surgery has been determined to have minimal risks or side effects. Current estimates place the complication rate at less than 1%

While the first days may involve mild irritation and light sensitivity, long-term issues like dry eye or halos are uncommon. When they do occur, symptoms often resolve within 3-6 months.

The most serious complications involve the corneal flap created during surgery. However, with precise laser tools and skilled surgeons, flap issues and related optical problems are very rare.

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Affordability May Be the Only Barrier for Some Patients

Given the outstanding safety and success of modern LASIK techniques, affordability remains one of the biggest barriers limiting access for patients. While prices vary, custom options with advanced technology may cost more than standard treatment.

For those concerned about cost, flexible spending accounts, health savings account, insurance and financing options can make LASIK more affordable. The proven results and life-changing conveniences make it well worth the investment for most people. Check out the ongoing expense of glasses and contacts.

Like any surgery, LASIK has risks and potential complications that are discussed during a surgical consultation prior to the procedure.


Bayba, M. (2024, January 11). LASIK Statistics – Safety and Success Rates in 2024. Vision Center.

Refractive Surgery Council. “Is LASIK Safe? What You Need to Know,” October 13, 2022.,of%20patients%20suffer%20complications%20LASIK.

Refractive Surgery Council. “What Is the LASIK Success Rate?,” August 16, 2022.,achieve%2020%2F20%20or%20better.

Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery, Vol. 42, Issue 8, August 2016, Pages 1224-1234

Sugar A, Hood C, Mian S. Patient-reported outcomes following LASIK: quality of Life in the PROWL Studies. JAMA. 2017;317(2):204–205. doi: 10.1001/jama.2016.19323

Hays RD, Tarver ME, Spritzer KL, et al. Assessment of the Psychometric Properties of a Questionnaire Assessing Patient-Reported Outcomes With Laser In Situ Keratomileusis (PROWL). JAMA Ophthalmol. 2017;135(1):3–12. doi: 10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2016.4597

See Clearly in 2024: Lasik Eye Surgery Market Booms (7.7% CAGR). (n.d.). DataMIntelligence.

Top 5 Questions to Ask Your LASIK Surgeon

Preparing for your first LASIK visit, or thinking about scheduling a consultation? Before you head to your local LASIK center, it’s important to consider any questions you might have about laser vision correction. Ahead, we’ll cover five questions that everyone should ask when visiting their LASIK doctor.

LASIK notes

How many LASIK surgeries have you performed?

This is the perfect place to start when getting to know your LASIK surgeon. While a low number of surgeries don’t necessarily speak poorly of a provider, many people prefer to work with a more experienced surgeon. No matter your preference, it’s always a good idea to learn about your surgeon’s experience level.

What laser technology do you use?

LASIK technology is always evolving, including the lasers used to perform the procedure. In addition to standard laser vision correction, your provider may offer options like Bladeless LASIK, Custom LASIK, and Topography-Guided LASIK. Each comes with its own benefits, and your provider will help decide which is right for you.

What determines my LASIK candidacy?

The first thing to know is that if you’re healthy and over the age of 18, you’ve already checked two of the biggest boxes. However, each LASIK candidacy is evaluated individually, and it’s important to understand exactly how your candidacy is determined.

Take the LASIK Candidacy Quiz


What can I expect during my LASIK surgery?

LASIK is a quick procedure – just 15 minutes, total – and is performed on an outpatient basis at your LASIK center. You likely have more questions about the LASIK procedure and your LASIK doctor is the perfect person to ask for more information.

What can I expect after my LASIK surgery?

While LASIK is known to deliver consistent results, everyone heals individually. If you want to understand more about what the recovery period is like, how long it takes, and how soon you’ll notice improved vision, ask your LASIK surgeon for details. Online research may provide an outline, but only your surgeon can give an individualized answer based on your prescription and personalized laser eye surgery treatment plan.

These are some of the most common LASIK questions, but there are all sorts of small details that you may want to ask about during your visit. Remember that there is no such thing as a silly question! Before your visit, set aside some time to make a list of your key questions. Your LASIK surgeon will be happy to provide answers, tailored to your individual case.

Are Regular Eye Exams Important After LASIK?

Eye Exams after LASIK Surgery

Many LASIK eye surgery candidates question if they need to continue seeing an eye doctor after they have their procedure. After all, you could have 20/20 vision or better after surgery, which means there’s no point in getting regular eye exams, right? Wrong. Even after LASIK surgery it is important to get a comprehensive eye exam at least every one to two years. In these exams, eye doctors do more than just check your prescription and prescribe contacts or eyeglasses, so it is necessary to keep up with them even after your LASIK procedure.

Your doctor will also check your overall eye health and for a multitude of potential problems such as: early signs of eye disease, focusing issues, refractive errors associated with age, and eye teaming problems or making sure your eyes work together and are properly aligned.

Since most people take their vision and visual health for granted and usually don’t notice that something is wrong until there is a bigger problem, it is essential to keep up with routine eye exams after LASIK eye surgery. This way, your eye doctor can detect any eye problems early on so that they can be remedied as soon as possible. Some people will also experience dry eyes and discomfort from allergies, and an eye doctor can prescribe eye drops to relieve these symptoms so you can enjoy the benefits of your LASIK surgery to the fullest.

eye exam

LASIK Eye Surgery: A Lifetime Commitment

By choosing to have LASIK surgery, you’ve already decided to live life with better vision, and annual visits to your eye doctor will help you enjoy those benefits for years to come. At TLC Laser Eye Centers, the TLC Lifetime Commitment® helps patients maintain the best possible vision throughout their lives by offering LASIK enhancements to eligible candidates. One of the main conditions of this program is to complete an annual eye exam with your TLC-affiliated eye doctor, making it even more important to continue with regular eye exams after LASIK eye surgery.

It is always important to consult with your eye doctor for the best exam schedule after LASIK eye surgery based on your personal eye health. Attending these appointments is the best way to make sure you can benefit from a lifetime of better vision.

Understanding Presbyopia & LASIK Eye Surgery

Presbyopia is different from other vision problems because it affects everyone, eventually. Our eyes change as we age, and those changes eventually make it more difficult to focus on close objects. Reading can be especially challenging, and presbyopia is the main reason that most people over 45 years of age require reading glasses for up-close vision. LASIK eye surgery centers offer a number of popular options for treating presbyopia, and taking the strain out of close vision.

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How Presbyopia Works

When you are a child and a young adult, the lenses in your eyes have great flexibility, which makes it easier to adjust your focus for viewing close objects. Over time, your lenses begin to become more rigid, making it more difficult to focus. Most people will begin to feel symptoms of presbyopia around age 40, though the severity varies from person to person.

  • One of the first signs of presbyopia is strain while reading. You may find that you have to hold objects farther away than you would have in the past, in order to achieve the same level of focus.
  • Headaches are a common symptom, especially if you do a lot of reading for work or leisure. This is true whether you are reading from a screen, or a sheet of paper.
  • The effects of presbyopia grow more severe over time, and most people will have lost significant lens flexibility by age 65.
  • Since presbyopia happens gradually over time, it’s not always as easy to notice as other vision problems.

LASIK Eye Surgery Options for Treating Presbyopia

Reading glasses are a common option for addressing presbyopia, but they’re not a fit for everyone. Your work may make glasses impractical, or you may simply want a solution that’s less cumbersome. A number of vision correction options have proven effective for the task, and there is even a special tool for the job.

Monovision LASIK

  • Monovision LASIK is a solution for people with presbyopia. With monovision, one eye is corrected for far sight, and one is corrected for close sight.
  • The result is similar to what you would get from wearing bifocal glasses. Your eye doctor or LASIK specialist can help you simulate the effects of monovision, to see if it’s the right choice for you.

Presbyopia may affect everyone, but it doesn’t have to mean wearing reading glasses for the rest of your life. Contact a TLC laser eye surgery specialist to discuss your options for vision correction surgery.

Have You Considered Laser Eye Surgery for Your Vision Correction?

For many people with vision problems, glasses and contact lenses, are simply a part of life. In fact, a recent poll indicates that many people who wear glasses or contacts to deal with vision problems either aren’t aware of LASIK eye surgery, or aren’t familiar with how the laser eye surgery process works. While the right vision care solution for you ultimately comes down to individual factors, now is a great time to consider the benefits of LASIK vision correction.

Dealing with Vision Problems? Why You Should Consider LASIK Eye Surgery

The LASIK vision correction process begins when you schedule your free consultation, and meet with your local laser eye surgery team. Your consultation is the time to learn more about laser eye surgery options available, what the best options are for your individual vision needs, and to get answers to all your questions. You’ll also have the opportunity to learn the facts about what LASIK eye surgery is like, and how the process works.

  • LASIK is an outpatient procedure, so you get to go home the same day. The surgery only takes around 15 minutes, for both eyes.
  • The procedure is so brief in part because much of the prep work is done before-hand, when you meet with your laser eye surgery team.
  • From pre-op planning to post-op checkups, the whole laser eye surgery process takes place at your local LASIK center.
  • LASIK vision correction is an option to treat the most common vision problems, including nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism.
  • If you’re in good overall health, have had a steady vision prescription for at least one year, and are over 18 years of age, then your laser eye surgery candidacy is already off to a great start.

The Lifestyle Benefits of LASIK Vision Correction

Ask a LASIK patient about the benefits of having laser eye surgery, and you’ll find some common themes, along with the unique, personal ways that each individual enjoys clear vision. Freedom is a very common word when you hear people talk about LASIK results, whether that means the freedom to rekindle an interest in a favorite hobby, or the joy of experiencing the little things in life without always having to worry about vision correction devices.

waking up with LASIK
  • While nobody can promise that you’ll never have to wear glasses or contacts again, many LASIK patients are able to rely significantly less on vision correction devices after having the procedure.
  • Wouldn’t it be nice to wake up, look at the alarm clock, and realize you don’t need to scramble for your glasses to start the day? What about attending an event with the family, and always being ready to snap the right photo, at the right moment?
  • Thinking of traveling to a new place, or simply enjoying the scenery close to home? Enjoy every moment with the benefit of clearer vision, and worry less about what will happen if you forget your glasses or contacts at home.
  • Perhaps you enjoy playing sports, creating art, or taking part in other hobbies that require a sharp eye for detail. With clearer vision, you will have the freedom to enjoy your favorite hobbies with a new-found freedom.

When you’re ready to learn more about LASIK vision correction and understand if you’re a candidate for LASIK, our team is here to help. Schedule your free consultation at your local TLC Laser Eye Center with a phone call, or by filling out a quick form on our website.

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What Is the Real Cost of LASIK Eye Surgery?

As you research your laser eye surgery options, you may find that there’s a large variance in the cost of LASIK depending on where you look. Advertised prices can be as low as $250 per eye, while the top end of the LASIK price range can reach more than $4,000 per eye. So, what is the real cost of laser eye surgery? The answer depends on a number of key factors, like the surgeon you choose, the technology used for your procedure, what is included in your LASIK eye surgery quote, and the location where you’re having the procedure. Ahead, we’ll take a closer look at the real cost of LASIK, along with some tips to help cover the cost.

Key Factors in the Cost of Laser Eye Surgery:

Choosing a LASIK Surgeon

While there are many factors that determine your laser eye surgery cost, the surgeon and procedure that you choose ultimately have the biggest influence on price. A more experienced surgeon may charge more for a procedure, due to the level of experience and expertise they bring to the table. Whether more experience is worth the increased cost is up to the patient, and the most important thing is to do the research required to find a surgeon who you trust for your LASIK procedure.

Cost of LASIK

Laser Technology

Regardless of how long your surgeon has been practicing laser eye surgery, the type of LASIK procedure that you choose will have a major impact on your price. Traditional LASIK, which has been an effective treatment option since the 1990s, may cost less than newer variations of the procedure that rely on the latest laser technology. The cost of Custom Wavefront LASIK, for example, will be higher than the cost of traditional LASIK, due to the technology required for the procedure.

What’s Included?

When you meet with your LASIK surgeon, you’ll have the opportunity to learn more about which procedure is the best fit for your vision needs. You’ll also want to make sure that you learn exactly what your LASIK quote includes, so that you can accurately evaluate your options. Understanding what you’re paying for in detail will make it easier to compare your options.


The real cost of LASIK is also influenced by the factors that impact the cost of any service, including geography. If you live in an area with a high cost of living, then the cost of laser eye surgery in your area may be higher, as well.

Simple Tips for Covering the Cost of LASIK Eye Surgery

It’s rare for insurance to cover the full cost of LASIK eye surgery unless your profession requires exceptional vision, but there are plenty of resources available to help cover the cost of LASIK.


Financing options are available, and many LASIK patients choose to pay for their procedure over time at a manageable monthly rate. Speak with your laser eye surgery team to learn more about the financing options available.


Tax-friendly savings options, like a Health Savings Account, Flexible Spending Account, or Health Reimbursement Arrangement, can help you save for procedures like LASIK and save on taxes in the process. Your financial adviser can help you decide whether an HSA, FSA, or HRA fits your needs.

If you’re working to figure out how to cover the cost of laser eye surgery, remember that there’s help available. Your laser eye surgery team can help you identify your financing options, and find the solution that works best for your unique needs.